Rejoice Music is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible.
Donations are final once receipted. Rejoice Music is committed to fulfilling all donation-funded services as described. If sufficient funds have been committed to fulfill the Rejoicify services and development, additional donations will be used to complete more music creation projects.
Rejoice Music provides the Rejoicify app at no charge. However, there are significant costs to operate this service: approximately $300,000 for development and around $50,000 per year for operation. Your donation funds music storage and download fees, copyright licensing fees, app store fees, music metadata population costs, as well as current and future feature development.
Your donation funds part-time and full-time staff to produce additional music projects to be added to the Rejoicify portfolio.
Rejoicify is free for all. We believe everyone should have access to wholesome traditional gospel music. We do not want the use of this service to be a financial burden for those in difficult financial circumstances. However, if the Holy Spirit inspires you to donate to cover the costs of providing this service, we will share what similar music services charge - $6/month for students, $12/month for individuals, and $20/month for families. Please consider donating as you are able.
We accept credit/debit cards, U.S. bank transfers, and checks. Checks can be made out to Rejoice Music and mailed to 462 Carlock Rd. Carlock, IL 61725.
Receipts are automatically issued for all donations made by credit card. If you need a copy, you can access it in your account under "Recent Transactions". For donations made by check, we will postal mail you a donation acknowledgment letter, unless you request not to receive one.
© Copyright 2025 Rejoice Music
Providing traditional gospel music to edify the soul
462 Carlock Rd.
Carlock, IL 61725
Note: do not email or call Rejoice Music with Rejoicify questions.
Instead, email